We have also started to research a project about Women's Football for performance in April 2025.

In the early 20th century, women's football grew almost as quickly as the men's game, and reached new heights when the nation's men left for the First World War. However, in 1921 the FA took the decision to ban women's football, essentially outlawing the game in England. This ban set back the burgeoning women's game.

We are currently trying to write a play about the famous Plymouth Ladies Football team of the 1920s. Through our research we already have quite a lot of general information about the team and its exploits in 1921-22, but to give human interest we intend to focus the drama around 3 individual players - Jessie Boultwood (captain), Agnes Opie (Left Half) and Hilda Ford (Goalkeeper). Hence we wondered if there is anyone out there who is related to any of these ladies, or knows anyone who can recall any background details/stories about them, and who would be willing to talk to us. We are also interested in Frank Zanazzi who was their coach.

We know that this is a long shot but we are looking for the little personal details/memories/stories that would help us to bring these characters to life!

Any help/thoughts/suggestions would be much appreciated

In December 1921, the Plymouth Ladies Football Team, received the following resolution passed unanimously by the Football Association.


The Football Association: Complaints having been made as to football being played by women, the Council feel impelled to express their strong opinion that the game of football is  quite unsuitable for females and should not be encouraged.


Claptrap! The controlling body of the FA are a hundred years behind the times! None of our girls have felt any ill-effects from participating in the games - in fact they have enjoyed better health. Football is nowhere near as dangerous as hockey!


The Football Association: Complaints have also been made as to the conditions under which some of the matches have been arranged and played, and the appropriation of receipts to other than charitable objects.


The FA’s action is purely sex prejudice!


The Football Association: The Council are further of the opinion that an excessive proportion of the receipts are absorbed in expenses and an inadequate percentage devoted to charitable objects. And so, for these reasons, the Council requests the clubs belonging to the Football Association refuse the use of their grounds for such matches. -


The Plymouth Ladies Football club has donated in excess of one thousand pounds to various charitable institutions!

This won’t stop us from playing football!

We don’t need the FA, we’ll form our own association - The English Ladies Football Association.

To help popularise the game among girls and to assist charities.

And that's what we did!!

During October and November, we will be working on a series of short plays and monologues by local  writers - Anne Thomson, Maria Elvena Ferran de Pol, Ruby Nation and Jill Grange - about city life, both past, present, future, positive and negative.

The idea was prompted by a short play written by Ruby Nation based on an horrific murder of a young woman that took place whilst her neighbours struggled with how to react and who to alert - resulting in the implementation of a neighbourhood watch scheme.

The project is entitled "Matthew 22.39"

Details of dates and venues will be posted here asap.



If you are interested in becoming involved in Script-In-Hand Theatre please use the email address (below) to contact us.

Contact - plymdrama41@gmail.com

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